### Major Features - New Admin Console based on Blazor - PostgreSQL support - Blazor Apps ### Breaking Changes - PowerShell Universal defaults to SQLite - PowerShell App designer has been removed - LiteDB Support has been removed - Removed support for pages - Removed -Mask from New-UDTextbox ### PowerShell Apps - Added -Sx to New-UDBadge (#2878) - Added -RemoveMargin to New-UDCard - Added -SelectedTabIndex to New-UDTabs (#2897) - Remove mandatory on text for New-UDMenuItem (#2906) - Added -Enhanced to New-UDTransferList (#2888) - Fix issue with New-UDAutocomplete always being fullwidth (#2949) - Fix issue with New-UDTextbox date hand enter (#3006) - Added -DisableArcLinkLabels and -DisableArcLabels to New-UDNivoChart (#2907) - Fix issue with 'line' Chartjs issue (#2871) - Added module support for apps (#2177) ### APIs - Added -ApiBaseFolder to Set-PSUSettings (#2794) ### Automation - Added -HideChildren, -HideTriggered, -HideScheduled to Get-PSUJob (#2444) - Added a page to view jobs for a schedule (#1377) - JobRunId has been promoted from an experimental to a full feature (#2799) - Added support for script documentation (#2743) ### Platform - Added an option for updating git submodules during a pull (#2889) - Computers and computer groups are now visible in single-node environments (#2915) - Added Pause Git Sync button (#2994) - Customize logged out page (#2643) - Added configuration settings for the loading page - Improved the access denied error for the CPU health check (#2671) - Added support for customizing the table name for log entries in SQL and PostgreSQL (#2786) - Added a page to view all tagged resources (#1302) - Added support for uploading to Published Folders (#2555) - Added support for database cache