### APIs - Added Event Hub Client installer (#3003) ### Apps - Fixed an issue where the New-UDButton -Loading would not display properly in the dark theme (#2875) - Fixed an issue where the UDApp variable is null (#3014) - Fixed an issue where the create page dialog would clear on refocus (#2725) - Fixed an issue where $AppFullUrl would not be correct for nested IIS sites (#3013) - Fixed an issue where refreshing a Dynamic with a Table with an ID wouldn't refresh the table data (#2782) ### Automation - Fixed an issue expanding errors in the admin console (#3017) - Fixed an issue where Reader and Execute roles could view the contents of a script by typing in the URL - Improved the performance of the schedules page when using SQL persistence. - Fixed an issue where retried jobs would queue forever when using SQL persistence - Added HangfireWorkerCount configuration option to appsettings.json ### Platform - Fixed an error the groom job could fail clearing child jobs when using LiteDB (#3021) - Added support for local files as admin console login page logos (#2705) - Fixed warnings on server startup (#3023) - Libgit2sharp now logs to the system log (#3026) - Filters for health checks (#3016) - Fixed an issue where Get-PSUComputer -Integrated would return a gRPC error when using SQL persistence (#3018)