### APIs - Added Get-PSUEventHubConnection - Added -ConnectionId to Send-PSUEvent - Send-PSUEvent can now return data when using -ConnectionId ### Apps - Adding BackgroundImage and BackgroundRepeat to New-UDPage (#2325) - Adding Disabled to New-UDSelectOption (#2491) - Adding md to Size to New-UDIcon (#2528) - Added -Label to New-UDProgress (#2553) - Added -OpenInNewWindow to New-UDListItem (#2540) - Added -Minimum and -Maximum to New-UDTextbox (#2455) - Fixing issues with Show-UDToast -MessageSize (#1000) - Fixing issues with Show-UDToast -Icon (#1913) - Added additional configuration options to apps in the admin console - Added Show-UDSnackbar\Hide-UDSnackbar (#2561) - Fixing issue with New-UDDataGrid pagination (#2546) - Fixed an issue where row selection in New-UDDataGrid wasn't available in Get-UDElement (#2573) - Added -OnSelectionChanged to New-UDDataGrid - Fixed an issue where schema forms -OnSubmit would not run - Added -DefaultSortColumn and -DefaultSortDirection to New-UDDataGrid (#2011) - Fix issue with min\max on New-UDDatePicker (#2580) - Fixed an issue with New-UDSwitch -LabelPlacement should be start not left (#2601) - Added Restart and Admin Console links to dashboards of admins (#2362) - Added Get-UDTheme -Current (#2508) - Fix New-UDAutocomplete to look at options for defaults (#2583) - Added -ArgumentList to Sync-UDElement (#1815) - Clear autocomplete with Set-UDElement (#2631) - Fixed an issue where row selection wouldn't always work when filtering with New-UDTable (#2630) - Added -Disabled to New-UDAutocomplete (#2639) - Fixed an issue where links in New-UDMarkdown didn't follow the theme (#2296) - Added $TimeZone variable to apps (#2646) - Added missing New-UDAutoCompleteOption to live docs (#2640) - Power Managing a dashboard will now do so on all nodes when using SQL Server (#1360) - Fixed an issue where the nivo chart docs were not present on the live docs (#2640) - Fixed an issue with -CirclePacking and -TreeMap in New-UDNivoChart - Fixed an issue with -Heatmap in New-UDNivoChart - Added New-UDTheme (#2653) - Fixed an issue where several components (tables, pickers, charts) would not update when using within a UDDynamic (#2661) - Improved the behavior of New-UDButtonGroup (#2651) - Fixing issue with New-UDAvatar -Variant not supporting default round (#2633) - Fixed an issue where New-UDUpload did not work in a nested IIS site (#2657) - Fixed an issue where autocomplete would fail to render if it was pass a single value that wasn't an array (#2668) ### Automation - Added Error status for jobs that succeed but have errors - Added a Create Scheduled button to the Scripts \ Schedules tab. (#2541) - Added support for cmdlets in -Command in New-PSUScript (#2605) - Fixed an issue with editing schedules in the admin console (#2659) ### Platform - Add configurable git sync timeout (#2466) - Added git to the linux docker container (#2472) - Updated the integrated and agent environments to 7.3.6 (#2494) - Administrator role now defaults to $false (#2492) - Added a Run Module Discovery button to the module page (#2486) - Added $RefreshToken to access the OIDC refresh token - Added support for SQLite - Updated to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient version 5.1.1 - Added loaded Assemblies to the process view - Added additional branding settings - Added Remove-PSUCache - Added ModuleDiscoveryFrequency to Set-PSUSettings (#2595) - Added Get-PSUPublishedFolder (#2622) - Added SystemLogLevel to appsettings.json - Fixed an issue where the default theme setting would not take effect (#2292) - The secret variable credential dialog now suggests including the domain in the user name (#2625) - Fixed an issue where Grant-PSUAppToken would generate tokens with invalid roles besides the first role specified. - Fixed an issue where modules in the Modules directory were imported into the PSU server during startup - Fixed an issue with editing modules when a Universal extension module was installed - Fixed an issue where readonly resources could show up in configuration files - Added support for PSScriptAnalyzer settings files (#2658) - Fixed an issue where the module REST API did not work with app tokens.