## Apps - Replaced react-tooltip with MUI tooltip - Added -Sx, -Arrow, -FollowCursor, -EnterDelay, -LeaveDelay to New-UDTooltip - Removed -Type and -Effect from New-UDTooltip - Added -Truncate to New-UDTypography - Added New-UDBreadcrumbs (#2150) - Added support for validation, help text and display messages to New-UDForm -Script (#2043) - Added -ShowBackButton to New-UDForm -Script (#2044) - Added -ShowSearch to New-UDTransferList (#2340) - Fixed an issue where $EventData -OnEdit in New-UDDataGrid would be a string (#2071, #2070, #1978) - Removed -PopOut from New-UDExpansionPanelGroup (#2373) - Fixed -Type Accordion on New-UDExpansionPanelGroup (#2373) - Removed New-UDCodeEditor -Autoresize and set the default to autoresize (#2146) ## Automation - Added support for markdown in script descriptions (#2128) ## Platform - Added buttons to run, clear and refresh health checks. - Added -HideRunOn and -HideEnvironment to Set-PSUSetting (#2294) - Added -Truncate Disables text wrapping and adds ellipsis for overflow (#2332) - Fixed an issue where docker images would not run properly (#2359) - Added groom job health check (#1839) - Added export button for logs (#2318)