### APIs - Added Event Hubs ### Apps #### Added - Added Test-UDConnected - Added -NoData to New-UDTableTextOption (#2112) - Added -JustifyContent to New-UDStack (#2189) - Added the ability to disable session time out (#296) - Added -Width and -Height to New-UDTransferList (#1452) - Added New-UDDataGridColumn (#2258) - Added Out-UDDataGridData (#2266) - Added New-UDSpeedDial and New-UDSpeedDialAction (#2157) - Added -Dense to New-UDList (#2300) - Added -Dense to New-UDAlert (#2214) #### Changed - Renamed Dashboards to Apps - Theme is now persisted per app (#2156) - Fixed an issue where New-UDListItem -Label couldn't be a number (#2107) - Added cursor pointer to Nivo charts with onClick handlers #### Removed - Remove support for Universal Dashboard Marketplace ### Automation #### Added - Added support for IValidateSetValuesGenerator (#472) #### Changed - Script page now uses tabs for each section (#551) ### Pages - Removed pages ### Platform #### Added - Added Health Checks - Added LastUsed property to AppTokens (#2173) - Added -LogoutUrl to OIDC (#764) - Added -Credential to Environments (#1683) - Added middleware.ps1 - Added logging header (#2286) #### Changed - Updated to PowerShell 7.3.1 - Updated to .NET 7.0.102 #### Removed - Removed PowerShell Protect support. - Removed templates