### APIs - Fixed an issue where endpoints that use the -Path parameter would not update context after git sync (#2335) ### Dashboards - Fixed an issue where radio groups could not be disabled dynamically (#2341) - Fixed an issue where editing a single dashboard page would cause all pages to refresh (#2342) - Fixed issue with New-UDAppBar -Footer (#2176) - Fixed an issue where Transfer List allowed disabled Transfer List Item to be transferred "to the right" (#2311) - Fixed an issue where New-UDAlert with quotes wouldn't render properly (#2240) - Fixed an issue where New-UDUpload would have invalid colors by default (#2326) - Fixed an issue where New-UDDatePicker\New-UDTimePicker -TimeZone didn't work with daylight savings - Fixed an issue where New-UDMenu had an extra div that didn't align for horizontal layout - Fixed an issue where New-UDMenu -Icon didn't have any padding around the icon ### Platform - Fixed an issue where -ExperimentalFeatures would get removed when changing settings in the UI (#2255) - Fixed an issue where the file system watcher and\or git sync could fail to pick up changes (#2335/#1984) - Fixed an issue where discard changes would show an error in the admin console (#2316) - Fixed an issue where PSCredential secrets would not work across nodes in the database vault (#2339)