## APIs - Fixe an issue where swagger documentation wouldn't work when endpoints used the -Path parameter - Fixed an issue where scripts with only comments in them could cause Swagger documentation to fail to generate - Fixed an issue where tags were not sorted properly in swagger documentation ## Automation - Add support for System Events in server mode - Fixed issue with trigger schedule button and hangfire link in nested IIS sites - Added support for Read-Host and Write-Progress in Invoke-PSUScript - Fixed an issue where PSCredential secrets would not work outside the integrated environment - Fixed an issue where terminals would not output properly on Unix machines ## Dashboards - Added support for New-UDAutocompleteOption - Added $Page scope for variables - AntDesign is now the default theme for dashboards. - Added component dashboard template - Fixed an issue where HTML would be returned when sessions timed out. - OnRowSelection for New-UDTable now returns all rows when selecting all and using -Data - Added -MinWidth to New-UDTableColumn - Added -CardRemove to New-UDTable - Added -Switch to New-UDListItem - Added -Icon to New-UDUpload - Fixed an issue where $EventData wasn't populated in attributes event handlers in New-UDElement - Added Clear Log button to admin console - Added Italian to -Locale for New-UDDatePicker and New-UDTimePicker - Added -OnValidate to New-UDTextbox - Fixed an issue where creating a page with roles in the admin console would not work - Added -Script and -OutputType to New-UDForm - Improved error location information - Fixed icon animations in New-UDIcon - Fixed an issue where -RenderOnActive would not work in New-UDDynamic - Added -Url to Start-UDDownload - Fixed an issue where a permanent nav bar would collapse when clicking in the dashboard - Fixed an issue where a temporary nav bar wouldn't collapse when clicking in the dashboard - Added styling to the currently active nav bar list item - Added -Native to Invoke-UDRedirect - Removed New-UDCardToolbar - Added -Sx, -Variant and -Content to New-UDAvatar - Added -Sx to New-UDCard - Added New-UDAvatarGroup - Added support for 'number', 'time', 'datetime-local', 'date', 'color', 'month', 'week' to -Type on New-UDTextbox - Added -OnClick to New-UDMenuItem - Added -Menu to New-UDDashboard - Fixed an issue where -ToolbarContent would show anything if it was the only thing specified on New-UDTable - Fixed an issue where themes could cause a double scrollbar. - Fixed an issue where pages would not load properly on restart - UDModal now defaults to medium size - Fixed an issue with UDForm formatting ## Platform - Added support for deleting computers - Added support for local accounts. - Added logout support for non-Form based logins - Removed license requirement for authentication - Added license requirement to configure roles - Added license requirement to use non-local accounts - Added support for PSUHeader and PSUFooter regions in configuration scripts. - universal:latest docker image is now Ubuntu 20.04 and PowerShell 7.3 - Fixed an issue where --appsettings would not override the ProgramData app settings file. - Added Fullscreen button to editors in the admin console - Improved IntelliSense in editors in the admin console - Fixed an issue where options intended to be hidden during creation of resources were visible. - Improved the manual git sync Discard Changes button. - Improved performance of git sync status pruning - Added support for Azure AD Managed Identity auth for Azure SQL - Fixed an issue where -Integrated would not work with New-PSUVariable or New-PSUIdentity - Improved usability of the Authentication page in the admin console - Prevented the disabling of forms authentication to provide a fallback in case of misconfiguration - Fixed an issue where mixing appsettings.json and authentication.ps1 methods of the same type could result in invalid auth configuration - Editors in admin console now check syntax before saving. - Updated the Demo dashboard - Custom vaults now require a license.