### APIs - Added the ability to view API info when One-Way git sync was enabled - Added experimental feature for C#-based APIs - Fixed an issue where data uploaded as files would be UTF8 encoded. - Fixed an issue where folder view would not correctly create folders when over 3 parts - Fixed an issue where changing an APIs URL would cause a 404 - Fixed an issue where testing an API with variables wouldn't return the specified values - Added persistent API logging - Fixed an issue where editing endpoint roles could result in the endpoint becoming inaccessible. ### Automation - Added the ability to view script info when One-Way git sync was enabled - Added Git Sync trigger - Fixed an issue where you could not view terminal instances - Fixed an issue where terminal output could overwrite the prompt - Fixed an issue where Warnings would overwrite the Failed error state of jobs - Fixed an issue where terminating errors would cause job failures when Error Action was set to Continue - Fixed an issue where jobs would not time out properly - Fixed an issue where the Server Started trigger would run on the default job queue - Fixed an issue where $UAJob.Parameters would be null - User Profiles are now loaded by default when using run as credentials - Added -DontLoadProfile to New-PSUSetting to disable loading of profiles for run as credentials - Removed the limit on 25 jobs a day for the free version ### Dashboard - Added support for Read-Host - Added support for Get-Credential - Added support for $Host.UI.PromptForChoice - Added support for Write-Progress - Added Back button to advanced editor - Added -TimeZone to New-UDDatePicker and New-UDTimePicker - Fixed an issue where web socket JSON serialization would throw an error when referential loops were detected. - Fixed an issue where New-UDDataGrid filters wouldn't render correctly when using a custom theme - Fixed an issue where New-UDDataGrid row height would expand to its contents - Fixed an issue where -PageSize wouldn't be honored on New-UDDataGrid - Added -OnBlur to New-UDTextbox - Added New-UDRating - Fixed an issue where New-UDDatePicker\New-UDTimePicker would throw an error when invalid dates were typed - Fixed an issue with the default color for New-UDButton - Added -OnExport to New-UDDataGrid - Fixed an issue where -LoadData on New-UDTable could cause errors when multiple tables were on a page ### Platform - Added support for specifying a custom favicon.ico - Added Agent environment - Added experimental feature support - Licenses are now stored in the database - Git manual mode is now the default - Updated internal PowerShell Environment to 7.2.7 - Fixed an issue where links in the notification drop down would not work when hosted as a nested IIS site - Admin Console Title now updates the brower's tab title - Added the ability to limit users that can login to the admin console - Fixed an issue where the app bar would be an incorrect color in dark mode on a custom login page - Added scheduled and memory based environment recycling - Improved the layout of modals in the admin console - Git proxy type is set to auto instead of none by default to support git environment variables - Fixed an issue where the MSI wouldn't correctly detect an existing appsettings.json file - Fixed an issue where invalid git sync settings could cause heartbeats to retry continuously - Improved validation on the git sync settings dialog - Fixed an issue where changing a git remote with an external git client wouldn't update the local repo's remote - Git sync now throws an exception if it cannot finish running a command in 60 seconds when using an external git client