### API - Fixed an issue where tags would not display in the admin console - Fixed an issue where external -Path scripts would not be reloaded automatically. - Added support for complex objects in param blocks within endpoints (PowerShell 7 only) - Added Restart APIs button for administrators to restart the API processes. - Fixed an issue where testing an endpoint in the admin console would not return when the endpoint returned an error ### Automation - Fixed an issue where old jobs could be left behind in SQL after a restart - Added support for PSCredential parameters in Invoke-PSUScript - Fixed an issue where long Read-Host messages would be cut off - Added Windows Performance counters for Active Endpoints, Average Execution Time and Calls per second - Fixed an issue where missing environments for APIs would cause all APIs to fail. - The /api/v1/job/:id endpoint will now return parameters that were used to call the job - Added schedule name to the job description - Fixed an issue where a thread could run after a job had finished. - Added support for dynamic default parameters for scripts - Added the ability to view schedule parameters - Added New User Login trigger - STDOUT and STDERR will now be shown in the job log when running a process outside of the integrated environment. ### Dashboard - Added -AutoRefresh and -AutoRefreshInterval to New-UDTable - Fixed an issue where the refresh button wouldn't be shown unless a title was specified in New-UDTable - Added -Locale to New-UDTable - Added -FilterDate to New-UDTableTextOption - Fixed an issue where date filters wouldn't work properly - Added -LoadTitle to New-UDPage - Fixed an issue where New-UDDateTime wouldn't format dates properly due to missing time zone information - Added Not Contains and Not Equals to New-UDDataGrid filters - Added Windows Performance Counters for Active Connections - Fixed an issue where -DefaultValue would not be returned with Get-UDElement and New-UDRadioGroup - Added the ability to define a login page by using the base URL /login - Added -Icon to New-UDSelect and New-UDSelectOption - Fixed an issue where the comfortable option was mispelled for -Density on New-UDDataGrid - Fixed an issue where New-UDDatePicker would switch between UTC and local time. - Added -Avatar to New-UDCard and New-UDCardHeader - Added -Action to New-UDCardHeader - Added -LabelPlacement to New-UDSwitch ### Pages - Fixed an issue where the Forms fields page wouldn't navigate properly ### Platform - Added manual git sync mode - Added maintenance mode for computers - Added /api/v1/status endpoint to help support load balancer status codes - Added support for detecting preview versions of PowerShell on Windows - Fixed an issue where the T: translation provider wouldn't work with Get-Item - Added support for accessing secret variables in configuration scripts - Configuration scripts are now more resilient to non-terminating errors - Fixed an issue where the DataMigrator tool could throw an Object Reference exception - Added validation to prevent app tokens longer than 16 years expiration date - Added a new option to the DataMigrator tool to delete the database before updating it. - Changed the method of add the schema in the DataMigrator tool - Added support for using a thumbprint for specifying a certificate. - Fixed an issue where proxy settings would not be honored when using OIDC authentication