--- version: 2.6.0 releaseDate: winZipUrl: https://imsreleases.blob.core.windows.net/universal/production/2.6.0/Universal.win-x64.2.6.0.zip winMsiUrl: https://imsreleases.blob.core.windows.net/universal/production/2.6.0/PowerShellUniversal.2.6.0.msi --- ## Includes - UniversalDashboard - v3.9.0 - UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9 - UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2 - UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0 - UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.2.0 - UniversalDashboard.Editor - 1.0.0 - UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0 ----- ## Removed ### User Interfaces - Dashboards - Removed -*Offset parameters from New-UDColumn because they did not do anything ## Added ### API - Added $ClaimsPrincipal object to API requests - Added support for setting parameters via JSON properties ### Automation - Added warning state to jobs - Added support for terminals ### User Interface - Dashboard: Add support for -FilterType 'date' in New-UDTable - Dashboard: Added -Subheader to New-UDCardHeader - Dashboard: Added Invoke-UDForm - Dashboard: Added -Leaf, -Icon and -ExpandedIcon to New-UDTreeItem - Dashboard: Added -Color to all compatible components - Dashboard: Added Start-UDDownload - Pages: Added support for Date and Time columns in tables. - Pages: Added support for searching in tables - Pages: Added support for showing scroll bars for tables. - Pages: Added support for an icon in table headers. - Pages: Added Size property to the table. ### Platform - Added --appsettings command line option to specify location of appsettings.json file - Added support for git sync push only - The Git status table now lists the files that were changes and the change type - Added support to New-PSUVariable for creating PSCredentials. - Added the ability to hide credentials from the Run As dialog - Added a dialog for viewing the current user's claims - Added support for setting -ClaimType and -ClaimValue on roles to assign claims directly to roles - Added PackageManagement 1.4.7 and PowerShellGet 2.2.5 to the standard install. - Added support for storing secrets in the Microsoft SecretStore - Added desktop mode ## Changed ### Automation - Fixed an issue where scripts deleted in PSU with absolute paths would be deleted in their source location. - Fixed an issue where jobs marked as Cancelling would not be groomed - Fixed an issue where a parameter named -tag would prevent scripts from executing in the admin console - Fixed an issue with creating folders on Linux and mac systems. - Fixed an issue where running jobs under alternate credentials could result in an Access Denied error - Fixed an issue where the -Credential parameter of New-PSUSchedule would not be persisted from the UI - Fixed an issue where New-PSUSchedule -Condition would not work properly - Fixed an issue where you should not call Get-PSUScript for scripts in a folder with -Integrated ### User Interfaces - Dashboard - Fixed an issue where $EventData would be $null for Switches and Checkboxes - Dashboard - Fixed an issue where display $false or 0 in UDTable would not work - Dashboard - Fixed an issue where a user's theme preference would not be maintained - Dashboard - Fixed an issue where Start-PSUDashboard was not exported from the Universal module. - Dashboard - Enforce a ValidateRange parameter (0, 10) on -Spacing for New-UDGrid - Dashboard - Fixed an issue where -Align on New-UDTypography would not work - Dashboard - Fixed an issue where -TitleAlignment would not work on New-UDCard - Dashboard - Adjusted style of UDTable to promote headers and title. - Dashboard - Fixed an issue where New-UDSwitch $EventData would be an array - Dashboard - UDUpload now supports uploads over 2 GB - Dashboard - Fixed an issue where UDAutocomplete -Multiple wouldn't behave correctly with OnLoadOptions. - Dashboard - Fixed an issue where the logout button would be shown for in dashboards when it should not be. - Dashboard - Fixed an issue where vertical tab content wouldn't take up 100% of it's container - Dashboard - Fixed an issue where Show-UDToast would not work with FontAwesome v5 icons - Pages - Tables will now scroll rather than exceed the bounds of their designer window - Pages - Fixed an issue where scripts in folders would not work as a data source - Pages - Fixed an issue where pages would not be listed in some environments with Windows authentication ### Platform - Fixed an issue where an error in the authentication.ps1 file would cause the Universal server to stop functioning. - Hide some properties of scripts and dashboards when first creating a script or dashboard - Fixed an issue where the custom admin console title and logo would not work - Fixed an issue where -AdminConsoleLogo and -AdminConsoleTitle could not be set over the REST API via Set-PSUSetting - Settings.ps1 is now generated as a multi-line command to make it easier to read - Updated to Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement version 1.1.1. - Fixed an issue where the PSModulePath would be appended repeatedly in the integrated environment - Fixed an issue where restarting a web app in Azure would cause it to fail to start