--- version: 2.5.0 releaseDate: winZipUrl: https://imsreleases.blob.core.windows.net/universal/production/2.5.1/Universal.win-x64.2.5.1.zip winMsiUrl: https://imsreleases.blob.core.windows.net/universal/production/2.5.1/PowerShellUniversal.2.5.1.msi --- ## Includes - UniversalDashboard - v3.8.0 - UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9 - UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2 - UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0 - UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.2.0 - UniversalDashboard.Editor - 1.0.0 - UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0 ----- ## Breaking Changes - Grant-PSUAppToken no longer can generate app tokens locally and send them to the server ## Added ### Automation - Added support for displaying comment based help in the UI ### User Interfaces - Dashboard - Added -HeaderPosition to New-UDPage and New-UDDashboard - Dashboard - Added New-UDMenu and New-UDMenuItem - Dashboard - Added -FullWidth to New-UDSelect - Dashboard - Added -HeaderColor and -HeaderBackgroundColor to New-UDPage and New-UDDashboard - Dashboard - Added support for escape and clear-host in the dashboard console - Dashboard - Added New-UDEditor component - Dashboard - Added -Navigation and -NavigationLayout to New-UDDashboard - Dashboard - Added -DisableStartupLogging to New-PSUDashboard - Pages - Added support for IFrame component - Pages - Added support for grouping pages in the navigation menu - Pages - Added support for hiding the title and description on a page - Pages - Added Password field to forms - Pages - Added support for setting a page URL to / ### Platform - Added page size drop down to tables in the admin console - Added server side configuration of authentication - Added startup scripts to environments - Added $PSUEnvironment variable to all endpoints - Added support for creating and editing modules - Added support for installing modules from the PowerShell Gallery - Added support for setting secrets when One-Way git sync is enabled - Added support for identifying when a secret variable does not exist in the vault. - Added the tzdata package to the dockerfile to correctly support time zones on Linux - Added support for SAML2 authentication - Added support for custom authentication configuration via PowerShell script blocks. - Added support for customizing the admin console title and logo - Added a link to the hangfire details page from the Settings \ General \ Diagnostics page - Added support for integrated cmdlet transport ## Changed ### API - Fixed an issue where returning multiple API responses from an API endpoint would consume all CPU ### Automation - Updated to the most recent version of Hangfire - Fixed an issue where setting the Time Out value for a schedule in the UI would not work - Fixed an issue where editing schedules would not work correctly - Fixed an issue where Pnp.PowerShell would not work in Windows PowerShell jobs - Fixed an issue where New-PSUScript -ScriptBlock would not work against the REST API ### User Interfaces - Dashboard: Fixed an issue where New-UDTextbox -Multiline would not allow you to enter additional lines - Dashboard: Fixed an issue where New-UDTransferList would only show the first selected value in -OnChange $EventData - Dashboard: Fixed an issue where New-UDTransferList would not should the name\value pair for the default selected items - Dashboard: Fixed issue where the -Title parameter of New-UDDashboard would not set the title - Dashboard: Fixed an issue where the dashboard console would not accept backspace - Dashboard: Fixed an issue where nested UDExpansionPanels would be arrange horizontally - Dashboard: Fixed an issue where dashboards could be marked as stopped after server restart - Dashboard: Fixed an issue where New-UDDrawer persistent would hide the content of the page with no way to close it - Dashboard: Fixed an issue with New-UDUpload and integrated environments - Dashboard: Fixed an issue where New-UDUpload would not work correctly in New-UDForm - Pages: Fixed an issue where specifying a URL for a page that starts with a / would cause the page to fail to load - Pages: Fixed an issue where specifying a URL for a page would prevent it from working in navigation - Pages: Fixed an issue where going directly to a page with a custom URL would not work ### Platform - Fixed an issue where retrieving an app token by ID would not work if you were an administrator - The folder\list view setting in the Scripts page is now persistent - Removed the dependency on System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt in the Universal module - Fixed an issue where administrators couldn't clear notifications with one-way git sync enabled - Fixed an issue where app tokens couldn't be generated when one-way git sync was enabled - Fixed an issue where git status was not visit to administrators when one-way git sync was enabled - Fixed an issue where administrator and operator roles would be changed to an execute role when one-way git sync was enabled. - Fixed an issue where PSModulePath could grow too long and prevent the environment from being configured correctly - Fixed an issue where you could not revoke app tokens or retrieve individual tokens - Fixed an issue where git sync status would display an invalid time stamp - Fixed an issue where tags would not work properly if a color wasn't set - Added a backdrop to the session expired notification so you can't navigate the admin console when not authenticated - Fixed an issue where Set-PSUCache -SlidingExpiration would not be honored.