--- version: 2.4.0 releaseDate: winZipUrl: https://imsreleases.blob.core.windows.net/universal/production/2.4.0/Universal.win-x64.2.4.0.zip winMsiUrl: https://imsreleases.blob.core.windows.net/universal/production/2.4.0/PowerShellUniversal.2.4.0.msi --- ## Includes - UniversalDashboard - v3.7.0 - UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9 - UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2 - UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0 - UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.1.1 - UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0 ----- ## Breaking Change - Due to an issue with roles for pages, you will need to reset roles for existing pages after upgrade ## Added ### APIs - Added support for tagging endpoints - Added the ability to filter endpoints by tags ### Automation - Added the ability to pause a schedule - Added support for changing the base folder for storing scripts - Added -Wait parameter to Invoke-PSUScript to wait for a script to return and write pipeline output - Added the ability to filter scripts by tags - Added support for folders within the scripts page - Added job timeout support - Added job retry support - Added -Delay to triggers - Added -Condition to schedules ### User Interface - Dashboards - Added support for tagging dashboards - Dashboards - Added the ability to filter dashboards by tags - Dashboards - All visual components now support -ClassName parameter for specifying a CSS class to apply - Dashboards - Added support for large files and New-UDUpload - Dashboards - Added progress when uploading files with New-UDUpload - Pages - Added the ability to export from Table in a Page - Pages - Added support for Select controls in forms within a Page - Pages - Added support for button columns within tables in a Page - Pages - Added select, rating, number, date, time, and switch as form controls - Pages - Added support for help text for fields - Pages - Added support for hiding the header - Pages - Form results will now show the error message when a job fails - Pages - Added refresh interval to tables - Pages - Added manual refresh to tables - Pages - Added support for variables - Pages - Added support for URLs - Pages - Added Pie chart ### Platform - Added Home page dashboard in admin console - Added Repository\Modules to PSModulePath - Added Hide Home Page setting - Added Modules page to view modules in each environment - Added Impersonation support to published folders - Added setting for configuring Microsoft log level - Added the ability to download logs from the console - Added support for developer license - Added Ubuntu 20.04 docker image - Added Remove-PSUServer and Update-PSUServer - Added a notification page to view all notifications - Added support for developer licenses. ## Changed ### API - Fixed an issue where objects return by Select-Object wouldn't serialize correctly - Fixed an issue where the editor in the admin console would not show all the code without scrolling correctly - Fixed an issue where descriptions would not show up in Swagger documentation - Fixed an issue where parameters would not have the correct type in Swagger documentations. - Fixed an issue where Swagger documents wouldn't update unless the server restarted - Fixed an issue where saving on edit ErrorAction does not work in the admin console - -Depth 100 and -Compress added to the automatic serialization in endpoints. ### Automation - Catch an exception that could be thrown when attempting to parse pipeline output - Fixed an issue where parsing pipeline output could cause an exception - Fixed an issue where string[] parameters would have a blank value by default - Fixed an issue where the Pnp.PowerShell module would not load correctly - Fixed an issue where string[] parameters with a ValidateSet would not work correctly - Fixed an issue where missing scripts could cause all schedules to fail - Fixed an issue where scheduling a script with a Switch parameter would not work ### User Interface - Fixed an issue where roles with spaces would not work with pages - Dashboard components are now read from the repository on start up - Dashboards - Fixed an issue where overrides for MUI themes would not work - Dashboards - Fixed an issue where UDUpload would look different than UDButton - Dashboards - Fixed an issue where -Icon would not work on New-UDExpansionPanel - Dashboards - Fixed an issue where clicking previous in a stepper could go back to the wrong step - Dashboards - Fixed an issue where New-UDSkeleton was not exposed from the module manifest - Dashboards - Improved performance of file updates - Dashboards - Fixed an issue with New-UDDatePicker where the server time zone would be used for the default value - Dashboards - Fixed an issue where you couldn't disable auto start in the admin console - Dashboards - Removed back and home buttons from the dashboard maintenance page - Dashboards - Fixed an issue where UDTable wouldn't display a column data if all row didn't have the table value - Pages - Improved the performance of tables by caching query data - Pages - Fixed an issue where renaming a page would create a new page - Moved links to frameworks, components and marketplace to the dashboards page ### Platform - Fixed an issue where cache options would not be honored for Set-PSUCache - Reorganized the general settings page - Fixed an issue where setting the log level in the UI wouldn't have any effect - Fixed an issue where accessing the swagger URL could return a 403 - Fixed an issue where roles couldn't be set on published folders in the admin console - Fixed an issue where environments could not set wild card variables - Variables for environments now default to * - License dialog is now a file upload rather than a text box - Install-PSUServer now installs the server as a service on Windows, systemd service on Linux and can install to IIS. - Fixed an issue where conflicting entity URLs could be specified. An error message is now shown. - Fixed an issue where administrators would not be able to access the console when One-Way git sync was enabled - Fixed an issue where non-terminating errors could cause configuration scripts to fail - Fixed an issue where displaying many notifications could cause the admin console to freeze - Operator and Executor roles can now create app tokens for themselves - Administrators can now view all app tokens - Single-file hosting is now deprecated and will be removed in v3 - Fixed an issue where using a custom login page wouldn't redirect to the correct URL after login - Fixed incorrectly named Ubuntu docker images