--- version: 2.1.0 releaseDate: winZipUrl: https://imsreleases.blob.core.windows.net/universal/production/2.1.0/Universal.win-x64.2.1.0.zip winMsiUrl: https://imsreleases.blob.core.windows.net/universal/production/2.1.0/PowerShellUniversal.2.1.0.msi --- ## Includes - UniversalDashboard - v3.5.0 - UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9 - UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2 - UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0 - UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.1.1 - UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0 ----- ## Added ### Automation - Added Name to schedules - Added Description to variables ### Dashboard - Added Run As support for dashboards - Added an error toast when an error happens in an endpoint - UDv3 - Added -ButtonVariant to New-UDForm - Added $ClaimsPrincipal variable to dashboard endpoints - UDv3 - Added a ValidateSet to the -Color parameter of New-UDButton - UDv3 - Added Persistent to Show-UDToast - UDv3 - Added New-UDLayout - UDv3 - Added -Icon to New-UDTable - Added $DashboardName, $DashboardFilePath, and $DashboardBaseUrl to endpoints ### Platform - Added support for templates ## Changed ### API - Fixed an issue where descriptions would not persist when set in the admin console - Fixed an issue where roles would not be populated when editing an endpoint ### Automation - Fixed an issue where you could not create a schedule with an environment in the admin console - Fixed an issue where you could not create a schedule with a credential in the admin console - Increased the Set-PSUCache limit to 32GB - Fixed an issue with displaying nested scripts within the admin console ### Dashboard - By default, dashboards are now created in their own folder in the repository folder - UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDTable would fail to export a rendered column - UDv3 - Hide logout button when using Windows authentication - UDv3 - Fixed an issue where -SortType datetime would not function correctly on New-UDTable - UDv3 - Upgraded to the latest version of SignalR to fix issues with Chrome tab idling. - UDv3 - Removed a restriction on what element was supported with New-UDListItem and -Icon - Fixed an issue where the Operator role could not save dashboards - Fixed an issue where users with no matching roles for a dashboard page would receive an error ### Platform - Fixed an issue where scroll bars were missing from editors and logs in the admin console - Fixed an issue where you couldn't delete app tokens or schedules on the identity page - Fixed an issue where the document title for the login page wouldn't update for custom login pages - Fixed an issue where you couldn't clear run as credentials from scripts, schedules or dashboards - Display integrated PowerShell version on environments page - Fixed an issue where you couldn't create secrets with New-PSUVariable - Fixed an issue where Windows authentication would not work - Fixed an issue where standard (online) licenses would become inactive after some time - Fixed an issue where setting the Security Environment to integrated would cause the service to fail to start. - Fixed an issue where you couldn't clear roles once they were set. - Fixed an issue where saving a role policy would not work