--- version: 2.0.1 releaseDate: winZipUrl: https://imsreleases.blob.core.windows.net/universal/production/2.0.1/Universal.win-x64.2.0.1.zip winMsiUrl: https://imsreleases.blob.core.windows.net/universal/production/2.0.1/PowerShellUniversal.2.0.1.msi --- ## Includes - UniversalDashboard - v3.4.1 - UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9 - UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2 - UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0 - UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.1.1 - UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0 ----- ## Added ### Platform - Added $Headers, $Cookies, $RemoteIpAddress, $LocalIpAddress, $RemotePort, and $LocalPort to authentication.ps1 ## Changed ### Automation - Fixed an issue where Get-PSUScript would throw an exception when the script didn't exist ### Dashboard - UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDTableTextOption was not exported in the module manifest. - UDv3 - Fixed an issue where Show-UDTooltip -Icon didn't work. - UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDAlert was not exported in the module manifest. - UDv3 - Fixed an issue where the New-UDCodeEditor didn't have a default parameter set provided ### Platform - Fixed an issue where many app tokens could be created automatically - Hide Trial Info button if platform is licensed - Enabled BinaryFormatter to allow for PowerShell remoting in an the integrated environment - Fixed an issue where the LTS Docker container would not start - Fixed an issue where Policy Defined identities would have a blank role in the Identities table - Fixed an issue where the session timeout modal would not be shown in the admin console