--- version: 1.5.13 releaseDate: winZipUrl: https://imsreleases.blob.core.windows.net/universal/production/1.5.13/Universal.win-x64.1.5.13.zip winMsiUrl: https://imsreleases.blob.core.windows.net/universal/production/1.5.13/PowerShellUniversal.1.5.13.msi --- ## Includes - UniversalDashboard - v3.3.2 - UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9 - UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2 - UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0 - UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4 - UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0 ## Added ### Dashboard - Added -AutoDeploy to New-PSUDashboard allow configuring of whether a dashboard restarts when changes are made. - UDv3 - Added -SubmitText and -CancelText to New-UDForm for customizing button text. - UDv3 - Added -NextButtonText, -BackButtonText and -FinishButtonText to New-UDStepper. ### Platform - Added support for defining git sync behavior. You can now specify One-Way git sync that will make the console and API readonly and will only pull changes. - Added beta support for LiteDB v5 ## Changed ### Automation - Fixed an issue where string array parameters would not be passed correctly to scheduled jobs. ### Dashboard - UDv3 - Fixed an issue where table column max-width would be set to 0 by default. - UDv3 - Fixed an issue where -Multiple and New-UDSelectGroup would not work together - No longer statically assign a Reader role when -GrantAppToken is used with New-PSUDashboard. ### Platform - Fixed an issue where the admin console would redirect to the login page when the session timed out even if forms auth wasn't being used. - Enabled the ability to disable forms authentication form the UI.