--- version: 1.4.0 releaseDate: winZipUrl: https://imsreleases.blob.core.windows.net/universal/production/1.4.0/Universal.win-x64.1.4.0.zip winMsiUrl: https://imsreleases.blob.core.windows.net/universal/production/1.4.0/PowerShellUniversal.1.4.0.msi --- ## Added ### API - Added -ApiEnvironment parameter to Set-PSUSettings - Added API rate limiting - Added LocalIpAddress, RemoteIpAddress, LocalPort and RemotePort variables ### Automation - Continuous scheduling ### Dashboard - UDCodeEditor component is now included - UDv3 - Added -Variant to New-UDDrawer - UDv3 - Added -Anchor to New-UDDrawer - UDv3 - Added -PageSize to New-UDTable - UDv3 - Added -PageSizeOptions to New-UDTable - UDv3 - Added -Padding to New-UDTable - Role-based access for dashboards - UDv3 - Role-based access for dashboard pages. - UDv3 - Display page when dashboard isn't running - UDv2 - Fixed an issue where UDMonitor colors would not work - Added ChartJS charts to the charts component library - Added OnCancel to New-UDForm - Added $EventData hashtable to events that take data. - UDv3 - Added -NavigationLayout and -Navigation to New-UDPage - UDv3 - Added -Multiline, -Rows, -RowsMax to New-UDTextbox ### Platform - Added New-PSUAuthenticationResult and New-PSUAuthorizationClaim - Added support for defining custom claims during authentication - Added support for Environments - Windows Authentication support without IIS - Added a setting to hide the admin console - Added a setting to configure CORS - Aliases for all cmdlets that start with PSU ## Changed ### API - Redesigned APIs and API page ### Automation - Fixed an issue where the job processes would inherit the parent process's PSModulePath - Fixed an issue where Switch parameters would not work correctly - Fixed an issue where -ForegroundColor on Write-Host would add an extra line ### Dashboard - Redesigned dashboard page - Fixed an issue with UDCodeEditor were Get-UDElement would not work. - Fixed an issue where New-UDTabs wouldn't work with one tab. - Fixed an issue that would prevent custom components from using additional assets (like images in UDMap) - Fixed an issue with UDMap that prevented it from including default images - Fixed an issue where OpenID Connect and WS-Federation would not redirect correctly ### Platform - Fixed an issue where logging level would not apply to file logging ## Removed ### Platform - PowerShell version has been removed and merged into Environments