--- version: 1.2.3 releaseDate: winZipUrl: https://imsreleases.blob.core.windows.net/universal/production/1.2.3/Universal.win-x64.1.2.3.zip winMsiUrl: https://imsreleases.blob.core.windows.net/universal/production/1.2.3/PowerShellUniversal.1.2.3.msi --- ## Added ### Automation - The identity of the user that started the job is now show in the table and job page ### Dashboard - Added an Import Dashboard button - Added -DisableAutostart to New-PUSDashboard to prevent dashboards from starting on server startup. ### Platform - Added support for Git sync with default credentials ## Changed ### APIs - The API process will restart if it crashes for whatever reason. - Fixed an issue where the API process wouldnt always start - Fixed an issue where responses over a certain size wouldn't be returned. ### Automation - Fixed an error that would be shown when run as another account and looking up secrets - Fixed an issue where jobs would only work with one feedback request - Fixed an error where an invalid schedule would cause an error in the UI. - Fixed an issue where Automation would attempt to start and invalid job ### Dashboard - Fixed an issue where terminating errors would not be shown in the dashboard - UDv3 - Fixed an issue where errors in components wouldn't be shown - Fixed an issue where using the ZIP on Windows would fail to load the UD framework because it was blocked - Dashboards now start asynchronously when the server is starting so the server starts faster - Fixed an issue where dashboards wouldnt always start - When adding a dashboard, the frameworks are now sorted newest first. ### Platform - Fixed an issue where adding an invalid license would totally break everything - If HTTP(S) is not specified when using the ComputerName parameter of the cmdlets, HTTP will be added automatically - Fixed an issue where navigating to any URL that started with /admin would always go to the admin page - Fixed an issue where Git sync would not work with a bare remote repository - Redirect stdout to main process so you can see background process stdout.