--- version: 1.2.1 releaseDate: winZipUrl: https://imsreleases.blob.core.windows.net/universal/production/1.2.1/Universal.win-x64.1.2.1.zip winMsiUrl: https://imsreleases.blob.core.windows.net/universal/production/1.2.1/PowerShellUniversal.1.2.1.msi --- ## Added ### APIs ### Automation ### Dashboard ### Platform - Added a -SecurityPowerShellVersion parameter to Set-PSUSetting to allow for customization of the security process's PS version - Released a Docker image - Added delete button to Identity table ## Changed ### APIs - Errors will now return status code 500 from APIs - Fixed an issue where running APIs in Windows PowerShell would not work ### Automation - Fixed an issue where saving a full path for a script would not work - Scripts are run based on path and not content ### Dashboard - Fixed an issue where the dashboard would restart every 60 seconds - Fixed unhandled exceptions that would be thrown when trying to access a dashboard that didn't start correctly - Start\Stop button now indicates whether it is in progress - Fixed a bug where the dashboard would not restart if settings where changed in the dashboards.ps1 - UDv2 - Fixed page styling - UDv2 - Fixed error shown when a UDInput only had a single field - Fixed an issue with the Console where it would not show terminating errors - Fixed an issue with the Console where if a dashboard wasnt running it would return nothing - Display dashboard framework version in dashboard table ### Platform - Run Authentication\Authorization in process by default - Fixed an issue where loading configuration files could result in a "Authorization Failed" exception - Fixed an issue where if loading a configuration file on start up failed the server wouldn't start\ - Fixed an issue where hiding Automation would still default to the scripts page. - Fixed an error when starting PSU on linux. - Fixed an issue where settings wouldn't reload sometimes - Fixed a bug where the login page would not display an error if the login failed. - Log an error during startup if .NET Framework v4.7.2 or later is missing on Windows. - Fixed an issue where saving or deleting PowerShell versions in the UI wouldn't persist. - Fixed an issue where saving or deleting Dashboard Frameworks in the UI wouldn't persist. - Fixed an issue where the installer would not elevate correctly - Fixed an issue where you couldn't uninstall from Add\Remove programs - Fixed an issue where the installer would not upgrade successfully sometimes - Fixed an issue wehere the installer would have the wrong version listedn in Add\remove programs