### APIs - Fixed an issue where swagger types could show up in multiple documents (#2830) - Fixed an issue with OpenAPI types in Swagger documents (#2948) - Fixed an issue with authenticated OpenAPI docs and JWT tokens - Fixed an issue with OpenAPI docs not reloading types properly (#3193) - Fixed an issue using tabs in OpenAPI docs (#3180) - Added error messages when OpenAPI docs fail to load ### Automation - Added -InformationAction and -ErrorAction support for Invoke-PSUScript -Wait - Added script name to the Script \ Jobs page to support nested jobs (#3272) - Fixed an issue where showing the timestamp in a jog log would cause an error (#3277) ### PowerShell Apps - Fixed an issue where scheduled endpoints would not run properly (#3273) ### Platform - Setting git sync interval to 0 will now disable the automatic sync (#3232) - Fixed an issue with proxy configuration